Service regulations

Water and sewer system regulations


The drinking water and sewer system services managed by Aquanex are governed by regulations that include the general service conditions.

Kitchen tap running.

Regulations governing the drinking water supply service

The Spanish Water Law is in force in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura. This Law is set out in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001, of 20 July, governing the relations between the provider of the domestic drinking water supply and service subscribers, and indicating the basic rights and obligations of each of the parties.

In addition, Royal Decree 849/1986, of 11 April, approves the Spanish Public Water Supply Regulations, which ensure the protection of water resources and their ecosystem.

Small water canal.

Regulations governing the wastewater treatment levy

The wastewater treatment levy is established by the Government of Extremadura to cover the costs of use, conservation, and maintenance of the sewer system and wastewater treatment facilities. The levy is regulated by Decree 157/2012, of 3 August.

Download the full regulations.